Tottori University

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“Regional Differences in Returns to Education in Rural Tunisia”, Proceedings of the Tunisia-Japan Symposium on Society, Science and Technology (TJASSST), 2011/11/13 (Erina Iwasaki, Kenichi Kashiwagi)
Ailijiang Maimaiti, Iwanaga Fumiko, Murata Naoki, Hara Nana, Nishizawa Makoto, Matsuo Naoko, Qimen Yunus and Yamanaka Norikazu(2012.2)Cation contents of five halophytes growing in saline soil around Aiding Lake in Turpan Basin, Xinjiang, China. Sand Dune Research 58(3)95-102
Bat-Oyun, T., M. Shinoda, and M. Tsubo: Effect of water stress on radiation use efficiency in a Mongolian grassland. Journal of Plant Interactions, DOI:10.1080/17429145.2011.564736, April 2011. SCI
Cheng, Y., M. Tsubo, T. Ito, E. Nishihara, and M. Shinoda: Impact of rainfall variability on plant diversity in grazing land: a case study from Mongolia. Journal of Arid Environments, Vol. 75, No. 5, 471-476, May 2011. SCI
Cho S-W, Ishii T, Matsumoto N, Tanaka H, Eltayeb AE, Tsujimoto H (2011, 6) Effects of the cytidine analogue zebularine on wheat mitotic chromosomes. Chromosome Science 14:23-28. (IF=0)
Cho S-W, Moritama Y, Ishii T, Kishii M, Tanaka H, Eltayeb AE, Tsujimoto H (2011,12) Homology of two alien chromosomes during meiosis in wheat. Chromosome Science 14:45-52 (IF=0)
Dou Q-W, Zhang T-L, Tsujimoto H (2011, 7) Physical mapping of repetitive sequences and genome analysis in six Elymus species by in situ hybridization. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 49:347-352.
Habora MEE, Eltayeb AE, Tsujimoto H, Tanaka K (2012,3) Identification of drought stress responsive genes from Leymus mollis, a wild relative of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Breeding Science 62:78-86. (IF=1.4)
Jugder, D., M. Shinoda, N. Sugimoto, I. Matsui, M. Nishikawa, S.-U. Park, Y.-S. Chun, and M.-S. Park: Spatial and temporal variations of dust concentrations in the Gobi Desert of Mongolia. Global and Planery Change, Vol. 78, Nos. 1-2, 14-22, July 2011. SCI
Jugder, D., N. Sugimoto, M. Shinoda, R. Kimura, I. Matsui, and M. Nishikawa: Dust, biomass burning smoke, and anthropogenic aerosol detected by polarization-sensitive Mie lidar measurements in Mongolia. Atmospheric Environments, Vol. 54, 231-241, July 2012, IF=3.465 (2011).
Kimura, R. and M. Shinoda: Estimation of surface soil water content from surface temperatures during dust outbreak seasons of northeast Asia. Environmental Earth Sciences, 65, 1847-1853 (Mar. 2012)
Koike, T. and M. Shinoda: Temperature changes before and after precipitation in Mongolia. Journal of Agricultural Meteorology, Vol. 67, No. 3, 139-150, September 2011.
Kurosaki, Y., M. Shinoda, and M. Mikami: What caused a recent increase in dust outbreaks over East Asia? Geophysical Research Letters, 38, L11702, doi:10.1029/2011GL047494. SCI
Kurosaki, Y., M. Shinoda, M. Mikami, and B. Nandintsetseg: Effects of soil and land surface conditions in summer on dust outbreaks in the following spring in a Mongolian grassland. Science Online Letters on the Atmosphere, Vol. 7, 69-72, May 2011. SCI
Larson S., Kishii M, Tsujimoto H, Qi LL, Chen PD, Lazo GR, Jensen KB, Wang RRC (2012, 1) Leymus EST linkage maps identify 4NsL-5NsL reciprocal translocation, wheat-Leymus chromosome introgressions, and functionally important gene loci. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 124:189-206
Matsushima, D., R. Kimura, and M. Shinoda (2012): Soil moisture estimation using thermal inertia: Potential and sensitivity to data conditions. Journal of Hydrometeorology, Vol.13, No.2, 638-648.
Mu H., Battsetseg B., Ito T.Y., Otani S., Onishi K., Kurozawa Y. (Apr. 2011): Health effects of dust storms: subjective eye and respiratory system symptoms in inhabitants in Mongolia. Journal of Environmental Health, 73: 18-20.
Nandintsetseg, B. and M. Shinoda: Assessment of drought severity and frequency, and impacts on pasture productivity in the Mongolian steppe. Natural Hazards, DOI 10.1007/s11069-012-0527-4. IF=1.529 (2011)
Nandintsetseg, B. and Shinoda, M. (Mar. 2010): Seasonal Change of soil moisture in Mongolia: Its climatology and modeling. International Journal of Climatology, DOI:10.1002/joc.2134.
Okamoto, H., Ishii, K., An, P.: Effects of soil moisture deficit and subsequent watering on the growth of four temperate grasses. Grassland Science, 57 (4), 192–197 (2011.12)
Onishi K, Otani S, Yoshida A, Mu H and Kurozawa Y Adverse Health Effects of Asian Dust Particles and Heavy Metals in Japan Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health 2011
Onishi. K., Kurosaki. Y., Otani. S., Yoshida. A., Sugimoto. N., Kurozawa. Y. (Jan. 2012): Atmospheric transport route determines components of Asian dust and health effects in Japan. Atmospheric Environment, 49: 94-102. IF=3.46
Saylan, L., Kimura, R., Munkhtsetseg, E. and Kamichika, M.: Seasonal variation of carbon dioxide fluxes over irrigated soybean (Glycine max.L.). Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 105, 277-286 (July 2011). IF=1.94
Schubert V, Meister A, Tsujimoto H, Endo TR, Houben A (2011, 7) Similar rye A and B chromosome organization in meristematic and differentiated interphase nuclei. Chromosome Research 19:645-655.
Shi W.-Y., Ryunosuke Tateno, Jian-Guo Zhang, Yi-Long Wang, Norikazu Yamanaka, Sheng Du (2011.7) Response of soil respiration to precipitation during the dry season in two typical forest stands in the forest-grassland transition zone of the Loess Plateau Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 151 (7):854-863
Shinji Otani, Kazunari Onishi, Haosheng Mu, Yae Yokoyama,Takenobu Hosoda, Mikizo Okamoto, Youichi Kurozawa The Relationship between Skin Symptoms and Allergic Reactions to Asian Dust. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 01/2012; 9(12):4606-4614. IF=1.605
Shinoda, M. and B. Nandintsetseg: Soil moisture and vegetation memories in a cold, arid climate. Global and Planetary Change, Vol. 79, Nos. 1-2, 110-117, October-November 2011. SCI
Shinoda, M., J. Gillies, M. Mikami, and Y. Shao: Temperate grasslands as a dust source: Knowledge, uncertainties, and challenges. Aeolian Research, Vol. 3, No. 3, 271-293, December 2011
Sohail Q, Inoue T, Tanaka H, Eltayeb AE, Matsuoka Y, Tsujimoto H (2011, 12) Applicability of Aegilops tauschii drought tolerance traits to breeding of hexaploid wheat. Breeding Science 61:347-357.
Tachiiri, K. and M. Shinoda: Quantitative risk assessment for future meteorological disasters: Reduced livestock mortality in Mongolia. Climatic Change, 113, 867–882, 2012. IF=3.385 (2011)
Ueno, K, Fujiwara, M., Nomura, S., Mizutani, M., Sasaki, M., Takikawa, H., Sugimoto, Y.: Structural requirements of strigolactones for germination induction of Striga gesnerioides, J. Agric. Food Chem.,59, 9226-31, 2011.
Ueno, K., Nomura, S., Muranaka, S., Mizutani, M., Takikawa, H. and Sugimoto, Y.: Ent-2'-epi-Orobanchol and Its Acetate, as Germination Stimulants for Striga gesnerioides Seeds, Isolated from Cowpea and Red Clover, J. Agric. Food Chem., 59, 10485-90, 2011
Uzoma, K.C., Inoue, M., Andry, H., Fujimaki, H., Zahour, A. and Nishihara, E. (Jun. 2011): Effect of cow manure biochar on maize productivity under sandy soil condition, Soil Use and Management 27: 205-212, doi: 10.1111/j.1475-2743.2011.00340.x
Uzoma, K.C., Inoue, M., Andry, H., Zahour, A. and Nishihara, E. (Jul.-Oct. 2011): Influence of biochar application on sandy soil hydraulic properties and nutrient retention. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 9(3&4): 1137-1143.
Wang S, Yin L, Tanaka H, Tanaka K, Tsujimoto H (2011, 6) Wheat-Aegilops chromosome addition lines showing high iron and zinc contents in grains, Breeding Science 61:189-195
Yu Fukumoto, Kaoru Kashima, A.Orkhonselenge, U.Ganzorig(in press) Holocene environmental changes in northern Mongolia inferred from diatom and pollen records of peat sediment, Quaternary International.
Zahoor, A., Abd-Elbasit, M.A.M, Inoue, M., Yasuda, H., Honna, T., Yamamoto, S. (Mar. 2012): Use of two industrial wastes as soil amendments: Effect on dissolved reactive phosphorus in runoff. Soil and Sediment Contamination, 21: 207-226.
Zhang, Q.T., Wang, S.P., Inoue, M., Moritani, S., Tsuiji, W., Geng, S., Qiu, G.Y. and Xie, Q. (Jan. 2012): A new methodology for determining irrigation schedule of grapevines using photogrammetric measurement of berry diameter. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 10(1): 582-587.
井上光弘・森井俊広・斉藤広隆・藤巻晴行:キャピラリー・バリアによる根群域の保水性向上と地下水からの塩水侵入阻止,2011土壌水分ワークショップ論文集,91-98 (2011)
浦幸帆・長田和雄・香川雅子・三上正男・的場澄人・青木一真・篠田雅人・黒崎泰典・林政彦・清水厚・植松光夫: 非水溶性大気沈着物中のFe 含有量を用いた鉱物質ダスト量の推定. エアロゾル研究, Vol. 26, No. 3, 234-241, September 2011.
今田省吾、ACHARYAKumud、岩永史子、山中典和(2011.8) 異なる塩水潅概条件下における塩生植物TamarixramosissimaLedeb・のNa+動態. 日本緑化工学会誌37(1):50-54
松島大・木村玲二・篠田雅人: 熱慣性を用いた裸地面上におけるダスト発生臨界風速の推定法. 水工学論文集. 第68巻, 第4巻, I_1789-1794, 2012年2月.
張健国、久米朋宣、大槻恭一、山中典和、杜盛(2011.4)黄土高原半干旱区遼東楢的樹干液流動態. 林業科学47(4):63-69
木村玲二:黄土高原六道溝流域の自然草地におけるNDVIと降水量、土壌水分との関係.沙漠研究,21-1,1-6 (2011年6月).
Takahashi, M., Sakamoto, A., Ezura, H. and Morikawa, H.: Prolonged exposure to atmospheric nitrogen dioxide increases fruit yield of tomato plants. Plant Biotechnology, 28: 485-487, IF=0.944 (2011)
Sato, S., Hirakawa, H., Isobe, S., Fukai, E., Watanabe, A., Kato, M., Kawashima, K., Minami, C., Muraki, A., Nakazaki, N., Takahashi, C., Nakayama, S., Kishida, Y., Kohara, M., Yamada, M., Tsuruoka, H., Sasamoto, S., Tabata, S., Aizu, T., Toyoda, A., Shin-I, T., Minakuchi, Y., Kohara, Y., Fujiyama, A., Tsuchimoto, S., Kajiyama, S., Makigano, E., Ohmido, N., Shibagaki, N., Cartagena, J. A., Wada, N., Kohinata, T., Atefeh, A., Yuasa, S., Matsunaga, S. and Fukui, K.: Sequence analysis of the genome of an oil-bearing tree, Jatropha curcas L. DNA Research 18: 65-76, IF=5.164 (2011)
Khemkladngoen, N., Cartagena, J., Shibagaki, N. and Fukui, K.: Adventitious shoot regeneration from juvenile cotyledons of a biodiesel producing Plant, Jatropha curcas L. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 111: 67-70, IF=1.793 (2011)
Khemkladngoen, N., Cartagena, J. and Fukui, K.: Physical wounding-assisted Agrobacterium-mediated transformation for juvenile cotyledons of a biodiesel producing plant, Jatropha curcas L. Plant Biotechnology Reports, 5: 235–243, IF=1.187 (2011)
Han L*, Tsunekawa A, Tsubo M. JUN 2011. Effect of frozen ground on dust outbreaks in spring on the eastern Mongolian Plateau. Geomorphology 129: 412-416. (国際誌)IF=2.520
Meshesha DT*, Tsunekawa A, Tsubo M, Haregeweyn N. JUL-OCT 2011. Spatial analysis and semi-quantitative modeling of specific sediment yield in six catchments of the central rift valley of Ethiopia. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment 9(3&4): 784-792. (国際誌)IF=0.517
Han L*, Tsunekawa A, Tsubo M. DEC 2012. Radar remote sensing of springtime near-surface soil thaw events at mid-latitudes. International Journal of Remote Sensing 32(23): 8555-8574. (国際誌)IF=1.117
Peng F, Tsuji W, Wang T, Tsunekawa A. FEB 2012. Effects of sand burial and water regimes on seed germination and seedling emergence of two desert species. Advanced Materials Research Vols. 356-360, 2465-2472. Online available since 2011/Oct/07. doi:10.4028/ (国際誌、非SCI)
Duan H, Yan C, Tsunekawa A, Song X, Li S, Xie JL. OCT 2011. Assessing vegetation dynamics in the Three-North Shelter Forest region of China using AVHRR NDVI data. Environmental Earth Sciences 64(4): 1011-1020. (DOI: 10.1007/s12665-011-0919-x) (国際誌)IF=1.059
Haregeweyn N, Melesse B, Tsunekawa A, Tsubo M, Meshesha D, Balana B. FEB 2012. Reservoir sedimentation and its mitigating strategies: a case study of Angereb reservoir (NW Ethiopia). Journal of Soils and Sediments. 12(2): 291-305. (Online available since 2011/Nov doi:10.10007/s11368-011-0447-z) (SCI) (国際誌)IF=1.863
Meshesha DT*, Tsunekawa A, Tsubo M, Haregeweyn N. MAR 2012. Dynamics and hotspots of soil erosion and management scenarios of the Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia. International Journal of Sediment Research 27: 84-99. (SCI) (国際誌)IF=1.082
Meshesha, DT*, Tsunekawa A, Tsubo M. MAR-APR. 2012. Continuing land degradation: its cause-effect in Ethiopia's Central Rift Valley. Land Degradation and Development 23(2): 130-143. (SCI) (国際誌)IF=1.403