


Yucca gloriosa

  • 個体全体
  • 個体全体
  • 葉の縁
  • 葉の縁
  • 茎
  • 子株
  1. Family name: Asparagaceae
  2. Japanese name: 
  3. English name: moundlily yucca, soft-tipped yucca
  4. Scientific name: Yucca gloriosa
  5. Country of origin: United States (Louisiana, Florida, and coastal dunes of southern California)

It is an evergreen succulent plant with height of 1.8–4.6 m. The stalk branches at the base or the apex and swells when aged. Generally, the leaves are straight, and some are curved at the center or the tip. Leaf width is 3.8–5 cm and length 33–51 cm; leaves are thin and easy to bend and have minute serrated edges. The leaf tip is pointed, but there are no thorns. The flower stalk has a length of 0.6–1.2 m, and white flowers with a length of 3.8–5 cm are attached to the panicle. Petals may be purple or reddish. Yucca moths perform pollination. Even in the same subfamily Agave, unlike the genus Agave, genus Yucca blooms almost annually when mature. It is cold tolerant (capable of growing in regions of −6°C or higher), xerotolerant, moisture tolerant, and somewhat shade tolerant. Propagation is performed by seeding, new bulbs, and stalk cutting.

Irish, M., Irish, G. 2000. Agave, Yuccas, and Related Plants: A Gardener’s Guide. Timber Press, Portland, Oregon, USA.

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