



  • 果実
  • 葉
  • 花と花蕾
  • 未熟な果実
  • 幹
  • 個体全体
  • 干しアンズ
  1. Family name: Rosaceae
  2. Japanese name: ANZU
  3. English name: apricot, Armenian plum
  4. Scientific name: Prunus armeniaca (Armeniaca vulgaris)
  5. Country of origin: Central Asia

It is a deciduous trees with height of 5–12 m. Leaves are elliptical and have fine serration. It blooms before leaf opening. The flowers resemble those of plum trees, the petals are pale pink and round, while the calyx of the apricots curve when in bloom. The number of stamens is as many as 20-100. In the Arid Land Research Center, it blooms from the end of March to early April.
The fruit contains saccharides, vitamins, and iron. The seed (kernel) contains 8% amygdalin and cytochrome glucoside, which produces retol and cyanohydric acid. The bark contains tannins. Besides being eaten raw, the fruit is also used as jam and as dried fruit.
Fruit (food, medicine), seed (food, medicine), seed oil (cosmetics), bark (medicine)

Li, L. and Bartholomew, B. 2003. Armeniaca. Flora of China 9: 396-401. (http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=2&taxon_id=102618)

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