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  • 個体全体(茎挿しした個体)
  • 葉挿し(葉柄から生えてきた不定芽)
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  • 花
  1. Family name: Crassulaceae
  2. Japanese name: SENNYONOMAI
  3. English name: elephant's ear kalanchoe, felt bush, feltbush, velvet leaf, elephant ear
  4. Scientific name: Kalanchoe beharensis
  5. Country of origin: Madagascar

It is the largest species among the family Crassulaceae. The stem is woody with a diameter of 5–7 cm and height of more than 3 m. The leaves are triangular and cut into the pinnate, and the leaf edges are undulate. There are two types of trichomes (glandular hair) on the surface of the leaves: non-glandular protrusions that branch into three parts and densify and head-like glandular protrusions. It is a CAM plant and has strong xerotolerance. Propagation is performed by seeding, stem cutting, or leaf cutting (adventitious bud).

Kluge, M., Razanoelisoa, B., Ravelomanana, D. and Brulfert, J. 1992. In situ studies on crassulacean acid metabolism in Kalanchoë beharensis Drake Del Castillo, a plant of the semi-arid southern region of Madagascar. New Phytologist 120: 323-334.
Weryszko-Chmielewska, E. and Chernetskyy, M. 2005. Structure of trichomes from the surface of leaves of some species of Kalanchoë Adans. Acta Biologica Cracoviensia 47: 15-22.
淡輪俊(監修).2003.生き抜く 乾燥地の植物たち.信山社、東京.
岩井英明・松居謙次.1994.カランコエ属.塚本洋太郎(監修).園芸植物大事典 1.pp. 536-540.小学館、東京.

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