



  • 葉と花蕾
  • 花
  • 托葉針
  • 幹
  • 個体全体
  1. Family name: Fabaceae
  2. Japanese name: KOBANOMURESUZUME
  3. English name: littleleaf peashrub
  4. Scientific name: Caragana microphylla
  5. Country of origin: China (Jilin, Liaoning, Gansu, Shaanxi, Shandong, Inner Mongolia), Mongolia, Russia (Siberia)

It is a shrub with height of 1–3 m. Old branches are yellowish gray or grayish green, young branches are covered with hair, and stand upright or curved. The stipules attached to the long branches are hardened and form thorns 3–10 mm in length and reside. The rachis is 1.5 cm in length and falls off. It has 5–10 pairs of folioles. In the Arid Land Research Center, it blooms from mid- to late April and early June. Is xerotolerant and cold tolerant and is strong against wind erosion and sand burial. Propagation is performed by seeding or cutting.
In China, it is afforested for stabilization of sand dunes and mountain slopes full of rocks (altitude 1,000–2,000 m) and greening of devastated areas. It is also used as green manure and feed.
Leaf (fertilizer, animal feed)

Liu, Y., Chang, Z., Yakovlev, G.P. 2010. Caragana. Flora of China 10: 528-545. (http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=2&taxon_id=105589)
Zhao, H.L., Zhou, R.L., Su, Y.Z., Zhang, H., Zhao, L.Y., Drake, S. 2007. Shrub facilitation of desert land restoration in the Horqin Sand Land of Inner Mongolia. Ecological Engineering 31: 1-8.

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