



  • 畑
  • 芯(ピーニャ)
  • 葉を刈り取る職人(ヒマドール)
  • 個体全体
  • 葉の縁の棘
  • 種子
  1. Family name: Asparagaceae
  2. Japanese name: BURUAGABE
  3. English name: blue agave, tequila agave
  4. Scientific name: Agave tequilana
  5. Country of origin: Mexico (surrounding area of Tequila City)

Evergreen succulent plant with rosette height of 1.2–1.8 m and width of 3–5 m. Leaf width is 8–13 cm and length 0.9–1.2 m. The flower stalk is 5–6m. After blooming/bearing fruit for 8–12 years, it withers. Is xerotolerant, but has somewhat poor cold tolerance (capable of growing at −4°C or higher). It is a CAM plant. Propagation is primarily performed by new bulbs. The core is used as the raw material for tequila.
Core (beverages)

Gentry, H.S. 1982. Agaves of Continental North America. The University of Texas Press, Tuscon, Arizona, USA.
Irish, M., Irish, G. 2000. Agave, Yuccas, and Related Plants: A Gardener’s Guide. Timber Press, Portland, Oregon, USA.

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