Introduction of XYGrapher

XYGrapher is a plotter of scatter graph (XY chart) and contour map, which is frequenlty used in science and engineering. It's a free, open-sourced software distributed under the GPL.
Data contained in text files are plotted. Having data conversion function with user-defined expression, this software would be useful particularly for ones who want to make graphs quickly without using a spreadsheet. Also, since the format of the graph configuration file (*xyg) is documented, you can automatically show figures of the output of numerical analysises or measured values retrieved from a datalogger by creating configuration files from a program and by executing this software using a Windows API such as CreateProcess function(Delphi, C++Builder, Visual C++ etc) or Shell function(Visual Basic).


Download an installer for Windows
Source code
This software is written in FreePascal with an integrated development environment named Lazarus. You can freely download, modify, compile, and use it under following license (GPL ver.2).

Basic features required for a XY plotter are supported:
Quick Processing

Presentation and Publishing Quality

Other key features:

[Advantages over XY-plotting of spreadseet]

[Advantages over chart component of programming languages]