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Description Family name Japanese name English name Scientific name
Description of plant Malvaceae AFURIKABAOBABU African baobab Adansonia digitata
Description of plant Sapotaceae ARUGANNOKI argan tree Argania spinosa
(A. sideroxylon)
Description of plant Anacardiaceae MASUTEIKKU mastic tree
(Chios mastic tree)
Pistacia lentiscus
Description of plant Anacardiaceae PISUTACHIO pistachio Pistacia vera
Description of plant Anacardiaceae AMERIKAHAZENOKI (SUMAKKU, NIOIURUSHI) staghorn sumac
(velvet sumac,
Virginian sumac)
Rhus typhina
(R. hirta)
Description of plant Welwitschiaceae UERUITCHIA (KISOTENGAI) welwitschia Welwitschia mirabilis
Description of plant Asparagaceae TOKKURIRAN ponytail palm
(elephant's foot)
Beaucarnea recurvata
(Nolina recurvata)
Description of plant Asparagaceae RYUKETSUJU
dragon's blood tree
(Canary Island dragon tree)
Dracaena draco
Description of plant Asparagaceae AONORYUZETSURAN American century plant Agave americana
Description of plant Asparagaceae MAGEI maguey Agave atrovirens
Description of plant Asparagaceae Agave cerulata ssp. nelsonii
Description of plant Asparagaceae goldenflower century plant Agave chrysantha
Description of plant Asparagaceae mescal ceniza
(blue ice agave)
Agave colorata
Description of plant Asparagaceae desert agave Agave deserti ssp. simplex
Description of plant Asparagaceae RECHUGIRA lechuguilla Agave lechuguilla
Description of plant Asparagaceae pisomel
(huiscole, maguey curandero)
Agave marmorata
Description of plant Asparagaceae New Mexico century plant
(New Mexico agave, mescal agave, mescal century plant, mescal, mezcal)
Agave neomexicana
(A. parryi ssp. neomexicana)
Description of plant Asparagaceae Palmer's century plant
(Palmer's agave)
Agave palmeri
Description of plant Asparagaceae Parry's agave
(Parry's century plant)
Agave parryi ssp. parryi
Description of plant Asparagaceae Fort Huachuca agave
(Huachuca agave)
Agave parryi var. huachucensis
(A. huachucensis)
Description of plant Asparagaceae artichoke agave
(Parry's hardy century plant, mescal agave)
Agave parryi var. truncata
Description of plant Asparagaceae butterfly agave Agave potatorum
(A. potatorum var. verschaffeltii)
Description of plant Asparagaceae Schott's century plant
(shin dagger, Amole, Amolillo)
Agave schottii var. schottii
Description of plant Asparagaceae mezcal blanco agave Agave shrevei ssp. magna
Description of plant Asparagaceae BURUAGABE blue agave
(tequila agave)
Agave tequilana
Description of plant Asparagaceae
moundlily yucca
(soft-tipped yucca)
Yucca gloriosa
Description of plant Rhamnaceae
(jujuba, red date, Chinese date, Korean date, Indian date)
Ziziphus jujuba
(Ziziphus sativa, Ziziphus spinosa, Ziziphus vulgaris, Ziziphus vulgaris var. spinosa)
Description of plant Cactaceae

(cardón cactus, Mexican giant cactus)
Pachycereus pringlei
(Cereus pringlei) 
Description of plant Xanthorrhoeaceae AROEBERA (SHINROKAI) aloe vera
(aloes, Barbados aloe, Curaçao aloe, medicinal aloe, true aloe, unguentine cactus)
Aloe vera
(Aloe barbadensis) 
Description of plant Pedaliaceae SHAMPUNOKI mouse trap tree Uncarina grandidieri
Description of plant Bignoniaceae BURAJIRUJAKARANDA (KIRIMODOKI) jacaranda
(mimosa-leaved jacaranda, blue jacaranda, Brazilian rose wood, black poui)
Jacaranda mimosifolia
(J. acutifolia)
Description of plant Rosaceae ANZU apricot
(Armenian plum)
Prunus armeniaca
(Armeniaca vulgaris)
Description of plant Rosaceae AMONDO (HENTO) almond
Prunus dulcis
Description of plant Amaranthaceae JAIANTOSORUTOBUSSHU giant saltbush
(old man saltbush)
Atriplex nummularia
Description of plant Crassulaceae KAGETSU (KANENONARUKI) baby jade
(cauliflower ears, Chinese rubber plant, dollar plant, dwarf rubber plant, jade plant, jade tree, Japanese rubber plant)
Crassula ovata
(C. argentea,
C. portulacea)
Description of plant Crassulaceae SENNYONOMAI elephant's ear kalanchoe
(felt bush, feltbush, velvet leaf, elephant ear)
Kalanchoe beharensis
Description of plant Simmondsiaceae HOHOBA jojoba Simmondsia chinensis
Description of plant Fabaceae KOCHOBOKU mountain ebony
(orchid tree, camel's foot, Napoleon's hat, paper mulberry, poor man's orchid, bauhinia)
Bauhinia variegata
(Phanera variegata)
Description of plant Fabaceae KOBANOMURESUZUME littleleaf peashrub Caragana microphylla
Description of plant Fabaceae KUROYONA Indian beech
(pongam oiltree)
Millettia pinnata
(Pongamia pinnata)
Description of plant Fabaceae INAGOMAME carob tree
(algarroba bean, locust bean, St. John's bread)
Ceratonia siliqua
Description of plant Fabaceae espino caven
(aromo, Roman cassie, espinillo)
Acacia caven
Description of plant Fabaceae hook thorn
(black thorn)
Acacia mellifera
(Senegalia mellifera)
Description of plant Fabaceae SHIROAKASHIA winter thorn tree
(apple ring acacia)
Faidherbia albida
(Acacia albida)
Description of plant Fabaceae GINGOKAN (GINNEMU) leucaena
(Jumpy-bean, wild tamarind, lead tree, white popinac, white leadtree, horse tamarind)
Leucaena leucocephala
(L. glauca)
Description of plant Sapindaceae BUNKANKA yellowhorn Xanthoceras sorbifolium
Description of plant Oleaceae ORIBU olive Olea europaea
Description of plant Arecaceae NATSUMEYASHI date palm Phoenix dactylifera
Description of plant Salicaceae SARYU desert willow
(sand willow)
Salix psammophila
Description of plant Dioscoreaceae KIKORYU elephant's foot
(Hottentoto's bread)
Dioscorea elephantipes
Description of plant Proteaceae MAKADAMIA (MAKADAMIANATTSUNOKI) macadamia nut
(Queensland nut, Australian bush nut, nut oak, bauple nut, popple nut)
Macadamia integrifolia
Description of plant Moringaceae WASABINOKI moringa
(drumstick, horseradish tree, Ben oil tree)
Moringa oleifera