This software is designed for the Parameter Estimation of Reduction Function, which is the key function of a root water uptake model used in simulation models for predicting water flow and solute transfer in soils. Detailed theory and methodology are given in following papers.

Haruyuki Fujimaki, Yoshitake Ando, Yibin Cui, Mitsuhiro Inoue
Parameter Estimation of a Root Water Uptake Model under Salinity Stress
Vadose Zone Journal, 7, 31-38, (2008)

Haruyuki Fujimaki and Natsuki Kikuchi
Drought and salinity tolerances of young Jatropha
International Agrophysics, 24: 121-127 (2010)
(Example data are those used in this study)

Aki Yanagawa and Haruyuki Fujimaki
Tolerance of canola to drought and salinity stresses in terms of root water uptake model parameters
J. Hydrol. Hydromech., 61, 73-80 (2013)

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You can download its source codes and modify and redistiribute them as long as you redistiribute the modified code.

Screen shot for Linux version